Now or Never

As a inheritor of this world, young people who has power to change this world we want to realize this project because of main 2 reasons: First reason is we aim to point out the topic of trash, waste and upcycling.

Lake Van, the world's largest soda lake, is the largest lake in Turkey. Van Lake has a different aquatic ecosystem than both freshwater and marine ecosystems. There are birds rooms on the lake. However because of the pollution; 8 to 12 tons of garbage are collected a day on the lake shore. In the province of Van, water pollution has reached serious levels and it has been observed that the pollution load of water increases. The causes of pollution of water resources are domestic wastes, solid wastes and agricultural wastes in order of priority. The discharge of 80% of the wastewater of the city center and districts without treatment causes contamination of both underground and surface waters. Although an action plan has been announced every year under the name of protecting Lake Van Basin, preventive measures have not been provided to date.  Youth organisations , which are among the most important dynamics of the city, must come together for both our city and the future of our wolrd.  VAGEAD is full of young people who has environmental consciousness.This project will help us to share what is happening in the countries that will participate to the project, what are the good initiatives about environment. We believe that if young people from different countries keep meeting around this kind of project and keep exchanging, their behavior but also the behavior of people around them and then the behavior of people from their country will change faster, and will help us to reach easier the sustainable development. We cannot ignore our environment.With this project VAGEAD youngsters aim to raise awareness about sustainability and wastes in the cities around Lake Van and from other countries in the world