“Food Exchange” Youth Exchange project has been successfully implemented !

“Food Exchange” Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project was implemented with the participation of 27 young people. Within the scope of the project, 7 young people from Germany, 9 from Croatia, 1 from Lithuania and 10 from Turkey met in Van and did various activities about our cultural symbols, traditional food.

On the first day of the project, young participants both got to know the city and tested their skills as a team by visiting the historical and common places in the center of Van with the scavenger hunt game. During the exchange, they produced entertaining content by using many competencies that are the requirements of the 21st century, such as media literacy and digital content production. At the end of each day, each country cooked their traditional dishes to all their friends and had the opportunity to introduce their own food. In addition, in our Food Challenge event, they designed their own food with only 3 ingredients, organized an advertising campaign for this, and cooked these foods at the same time.


Within the scope of the Culture Day, by visiting Van Castle, Van Cat House and Akdamar Island, which are the cultural values of Van; They visited the valuable cultural elements of our country, especially Van, on site. In addition, during the culture night, they personally experienced the Turkish culture by dancing and burning henna at the henna night, which is one of the most entertaining ceremonies in Turkish culture.

At the end of the event, a recipe book consisting of the dishes of each country was created as an e-book by our youth. In addition, Erasmus+ opportunities were searched by our young people and they made presentations related to this field to their peers.

Van Governorate Eurodesk Contact Point also provided youth information in English to our Croatian youth and introduced them to Eurodesk contact points in their country.

Thanks to the external activities, both the local people of Van were informed about Erasmus+ and our young people coming from abroad saw how rich the culture of Turkey is.

In this youth exchange project, where food is only a tool, the main purpose of which is intercultural dialogue, 27 of our young people promised to come back to Van again for other Erasmus+ projects with the common sense and empathy they developed towards different nations and cultures.