The project numbered 2021-CZ01-KA220-VET-000033285 and named "I Code the Future", of which our association is a partner, has been accepted by the Czech National Agency.

One of the most significant disadvantages of online education that has become an indispensable part of our lives with the Covid-19 pandemic is the vocational education of students with learning disabilities.
      According to research, those students who get IT and programming lessons via online tools can’t get the cause and effect relationship and show progress in programming-related lessons. Virtual tools are an inseparable part of the educational systems in Europe; however, those digital tools should be prepared according to the needs of students from all academic level and background. As it is known, information technologies are highly a numeric section that requires metacognition skills. The most critical lesson in the classes in vocational high schools is coding. Even most of the students at the average development level have problems understanding and passing the coding lessons. In each vocational school, nearly 5% of the students have learning disabilities or difficulties that we cannot deny them in any field of life. 
According to the special needs experts, before teaching the students with learning disabilities or difficulties the abstract concepts in their education, it is necessary to teach the concrete forms of those concepts, then the intermediate forms, finally the abstract concepts. 
Using the technology’s game dimension in education has become considerably popular in recent decades. Learning by playing games is game dynamics, game psychology, and game mechanics to promote or improve learning in non-play situations.
Learning by games has motivation increasing effects on the students. The general aim of learning by games is to provide those students with fun and focus on learning simultaneously. 
       The general aim of our project is to facilitate or speed up the learning of coding lessons by using the educational games to be organised in terms of the aim to promote the comfortable and easy learning of the students with learning disabilities.
       The second aim is to enable the students with learning difficulties to be included in the vocational education and labour market in Czechia,Turkey and  Europe.